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The Fossils of Sardinia: a history half a billion years long

The Fossils of Sardinia: a history half a billion years long

Saturday 20 April at 5 p.m at the Sulcis Paleoenvironments Museum "E.A. Martel"

On the occasion of Earth Day 2024, the Sulcitan Palaeoenvironmental Museum 'E.A. Martel' in Carbonia will host a conference entitled The Fossils of Sardinia: a history half a billion years long by Dr Daniel Zoboli.
The long geological history of Sardinia will be retraced through the various geological periods starting more than 500 million years ago, through the projection of palaeogeographical maps, palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and images of fossil finds from all over Sardinia.
Daniel Zoboli, geologist and PhD in Palaeontology of Vertebrates, is the author of numerous scientific publications on the palaeontology of Sardinia and on the enhancement of sites of geo-palaeontological interest. A scientific divulger and collaborator of several museums, he is an adjunct professor of Naturalistic Museology at the University of Cagliari.
At the end of the conference, Dr Zoboli will hold a guided tour of the PAS Museum.
Participation in the lecture and guided tour is free of charge and no booking is necessary. The event is organised by the Sistema Museale di Carbonia (Si.Mu.C.) managed by the Consorzio Sistema Culturale.
Venue: Paleoambienti Sulcitani (PAS), "E.A, Martel" at the Grande Miniera di Serbariu-Carbonia.
Conference timetable: 17.00-18.30
Guided tour: 18.30-20.00
For info: 0781-1860812 - 3402689043