
Themed tours, workshops and educational activities dedicated to the SIMUC.
History, play and creativity to encourage young visitors’ curiosity to discover more.
A rich, educational offer, differentiated according to age.

🟧 4 Talks with the T-Rex

Children's most famous and well-known dinosaur will tell us about the first person! 
They will get to know, through pictures and stories, the amazing world of dinosaurs. Through a common image they will make and personalize "their" dinosaur and then, finally, they will be able to talk directly with the King of Predators, who will answer all their curiosities: a different and exciting way to learn and discover the secrets of a distant world


  • TypeLaboratorio
  • RecipientsScuola dell'Infanzia; Primaria I ciclo
  • LocationMuseo dei PaleoAmbienti Sulcitani
  • TimeDue ore circa
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